Japanese Law Translation
Law is claimed to be the final word science. The deadly attraction of a lawsuit—as Dickens showed us in Bleak Home , with the case of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce—is the infinite scope it affords for escape from the true world of ambiguity, obscurity, doubt, disappointment, compromise, and accomodation.
It will be of little avail to the folks, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be learn, or so incoherent that they can’t be understood; in the event that they be repealed or revised earlier than they’re promulgated, or undergo such incessant modifications that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it is going to be to-morrow.
It has been sometimes stated, communis error facit jus; but I say communis opinio is proof of what the law is; not where it is an opinion merely floating and theoretical floating within the minds of individuals however the place it has been made the bottom-work and substratum of observe.
The Alexander Blewett III Faculty of Law on the University of Montana prepares college students for the individuals-oriented practice of law by integrating idea and observe …